Meals for students and pupilsat “Vosiq International School” are carried out three times a day (breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea) The complex has its own certified catering unit. Highly qualified chefs, masters of their craft are engaged in food preparation. Medical personnel monitor the quality and safety of food products and comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards for the organization of meals in the complex. The diet of pupils and kindergarten children has a cyclical menu designed to provide full and hot healthy meals for students in an educational institution.
The most important factors and conditions in the preparation of a children’s menu are:
А) Correspondence of the energy value of daily food rations to the energy consumption of students of the corresponding age category.
Б)Balance and maximum variety of the diet for all nutritional factors, including proteins, amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements.
The diet contains a sufficient amount of vitamins due to the natural content of vitamins in fruits and vegetables.